Saturday, October 27, 2012

School Library Journal Leadership Summit 2012

This is such a powerful gathering of committed innovators. The conversation is deep, and rich about the uniqueness and challenge of THIS time for school librarians. Many folks here are calling the digital content landscape the "The Wild West". I love that we are all learning together. There is no "this is the way it has to be done" anymore. We are all exploring "what ifs" together. A surprising number of vendors participated in my presentation, called BYOD: Is That Device in Your Pocket Redefining Your Job? Judging by the title, you might not expect a roomful of vendors to show up. There was nothing in the title to indicate that it was about eContent, and yet ... there were all there to learn HOW students were using their devices, so that they could better align their product development goals with end-user needs and habits. It was clear from the conversation that we are all learning together, and that we share common objectives. Looking forward to Day 2!

1 comment:

  1. فالآن عميلنا العزيز بإمكانك أن ترتاح والتوقف عن الإرتباك والتفكير في جميع تلك المشكلات المرتبطة بنقل عفش وأثاث منزلك، هذه اللحظة تقدم لك مؤسسة نقل أثاث بجازان جميع الخدمات التي سوف تحتاجها لنقل عفش منزلك وأثاثه بأسهل ما يمكن دون سقوط أي خسائر أو المساس بأي شيء أو كسر أو خدش أي شيء أو حدوث أي تلفيات.

    شركة نقل عفش

    شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى جدة

    شركة نقل عفش من الرياض الى جدة
    شركة نقل عفش بابها
