
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Banned Websites Awareness Day!

Today is Banned Websites Awareness Day! Looking for resources? Here are a few:

This morning, Tina Barseghian, author of the blog, Mind/Shift: How We Will Learn (out of KQED in San Francisco) posted What To Do If Your School Bans a Useful Website. She shares many valuable resources, including the results of a recent survey conducted by MMS and sponsored by MCH and about filtering and Internet access in K-12 schools. 

Don't forget to attend Gwyneth Jones' webinar, How to be a Ninja Filter Fighter Warrior! It's tonight, Wednesday, October 3, 2012  |  7 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CDT/5 p.m. MDT/4 p.m. PDT Register here

How to be a Ninja Warrior Filter Fighter!

Presenter: Gwyneth Jones
Gwyneth A. Jones, aka The Daring Librarian, is a middle school teacher librarian, a blogger, a Tweeter, a public speaker, a citizen of Social Media, and a resident of Second Life. Gwyneth is a Google Certified Teacher, DEN Star, member of the ISTE Board of Directors, was named an Innovator and one of Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers 2011, a Gale/Cengage New Leader, and is the author of the award winning Daring Librarian blog. Admittedly, she’s also a goofball, a geek, and very, very humble.

Last month, I did a radio interview with my friend Larry Jacobs at Education Talk radio. In that broadcast, I talk about the importance of giving teachers a say in establishing the parameters of filtering policy in K-12 learning.

I also dedicated my September webinar to Banned Websites Awareness Day. I featured a number of vehicles for  educators to participate, even some for those who fear the consequences for voicing their concerns in their schools and districts.  But in case you missed the webinar, and you don't want to watch the recording and ...

... you can catch an encore presentation at 7PM PDT this evening (yes, 10PM EDT), October 3, 2012 at the Library 2.012 virtual conference

AASL, the organization that launched Banned Websites Awareness Day in the first place, offers a number of resources for participants, including the BWAD page, the AASL Essential Links for BWAD, and the AASL blog.

You can contribute to our collaborative slide presentation! Here is the link to add a slide, and the presentation follows:

And hey, you can always include #BWAD in your Tweets!


1 comment:

  1. I have a alternate and short method to open any blocked site at school very easily in just one click and you can open any site very easily. Unblock All Sites
